Thursday, March 30, 2017

5 Reasons why I love Japan!

Here are 5 reasons why I love Japan!

#5 - Pop Culture

Japanese pop culture is really unique and really great! I love anime, J-Pop, and scary movies that come from there. What's not to love?

#4 - Politeness!

Japan is super polite, is it really that hard to imagine?

#3 - The food

I love Japanese food! I love Japanese snacks, I love Japanese drinks, I love Japanese meals including sushi!

#2 - The community

I really love the Japanese community, wherever I go online I feel welcomed! Youtube might another matter because there are a lot of trolls calling people weebs but it is usually really nice!

#1 - It's beautiful!

Have you seen pictures of Japan? Even their cities are incredible looking! If there's anything that Japan stands out most from it's their beauty.

Those are my 5 reasons and I could easily write more! Japan is full of amazing things and I live in a small town that looks nothing as cool as Japan. One day I will visit Japan and experience these things in person!

Chapter 1: Lesson 4 - Introduction to greetings

I am following the lesson found at

Wow, this lesson is just... It blew me away! I knew about konnichiwa and oyasuminasai before but I didn't know about the rest. I also didn't know the true meaning behind konnichiwa which is what the lesson dives deeply into. Some words were dissected so that they could be easier to remember and it helped.

The assignments were okay, not very long but I guess it can't be since there wasn't much to learn. I'm not too sure about the pace so far but this lesson was easy to get through.

At this point I am excited with what I've learned!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Chapter 1: Lesson 3 - Japanese pronunciation Review and progress

The lesson that I am following can be found here:

This lesson was about learning how to pronounce stuff in Japanese. It included voices which was very useful and the audio program was well done with audio clues for "listen carefully" and "listen and repeat".

I don't think I have the right pronunciation but this will serve as a nifty guide for the future. The last bit of the lesson had a few colors to practice with. I don't know if I was supposed to memorize those words yet but I did anyways.

Overall, pretty good lesson but I would like to be able to click on the pronunciation chart instead of shuffling through the audio all the time.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Reasoning behind learning Japanese

I don't really have a specific reason, I just think that the Japanese language is pretty neat and the culture is amazing! I think that learning a new language as a hobby would be exciting and so far it really is. My friend thinks I'm stupid, but I'd rather learn Japanese than spend all my time playing games.

Plus I'll get to watch RAW anime and enjoy it as how it was intended!

Chapter 1: Lessson 2 - Introduction to Japanese (Review)

I continue my studies to learn Japanese using the JPLearn! course available for free at Jappleng University. I'm now on my second lesson which feels like this truly is the first proper lesson since the previous lesson was an introduction to the course.

Lesson 2 is called Introduction to Japanese and you can study it here:

This lesson blew me away because I didn't think that Jappleng would go into detail about the history and geography of Japan but they did. This lesson also explained about how Hiragana came to be and how there are 3 different writing styles named Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji.

The lesson assignment was fairly basic and had 5 questions pertaining the material just shown. I wasn't expecting to having to remember when the Japanese writing system came to be or the few Japanese words introduced into the lesson so I had to go back and re-read it to answer the questions correctly.

The last question asked
Question #5: Why should you practice Japanese daily? (This is your own opinion!)

Here is my answer:
I think I should practice Japanese daily because I might lose interest if I don't. I think that as long as I study a little bit every day, I will at least have learned something new.

It's not an exciting answer but that's what I wrote. I hope there are more interesting lessons soon! :P

Chapter 1: Lesson 1 Review (Welcome)

As I've said before, I am learning Japanese using the JPLearn! course which will supposedly teach me a great amount of Japanese from scratch. The first lesson was an introduction to the lesson series and talked about the many community features that they support.

What I found interesting is that already they set the pace by giving important study tips like not to cram so much information at once, to take your time and how the course will take me through the fundamentals rather than forcing long lists of words to memorize.

Something did catch my attention in this lesson and I quote:
Japan has no National flower. Some believe it's the Chrysanthemum because it is used in the Imperial Seal, while others believe it's the Cherry Blossom because of its popularity and celebrations.
 This fact is part of a random blurb but I thought this was really interesting because something like this tells me that they want to introduce tiny details. This got me really excited because it gives me hope that they know what they are doing.

After reading the welcome lesson, I had to complete what they call a homework assignment but it was just teaching me how to accept and finish an assignment. Overall, this experience is proving to be promising.

The lesson can be seen here:

My journey begins today!

Today I begin my journey to learn Japanese from scratch. I will be using a few different resources but mostly use the JPLearn! language course provided by Jappleng University. I glanced over the lessons a bit and read that it's a good way to learn Japanese really quickly and since it's free, there's no excuse to not try.

I already did two lessons and will create a review for each lesson as I progress. If all goes well, I might learn Japanese!